The library housed around 4,500 books
On March 31, 2023, a historic Islamic madrasa, Azizia, located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was set ablaze by a mob of Hindu extremists. The madrasa, which was over a century old, housed more than 4,500 books, including ancient manuscripts and sacred Islamic texts written in beautiful calligraphy. The destruction of this invaluable piece of cultural heritage has left the Muslim community in India in mourning and raises serious concerns about the safety and protection of minority communities in the country.
According to BBC News, the incident took place during the Hindu festival of Ram Navami. The rioters were armed with sticks, stones and petrol bombs and allegedly shouted provocative slogans near the madressah before attacking it.
The attack on the Azizia madrasa is not an isolated incident, but rather part of a larger pattern of violence and intimidation against the Muslim community in India. Over the past several years, there has been a rise in attacks on Muslim institutions, including mosques, schools, and madrasas. These attacks are often carried out with impunity, with the perpetrators rarely being held accountable for their actions.
The attack on the madrasa is particularly concerning because it is a clear attempt to erase the Muslim community’s cultural heritage. The madrasa was not just a place of learning, but also a repository of knowledge and history. The books and manuscripts housed within its walls were a testament to the rich intellectual and cultural traditions of the Muslim community in India.
The destruction of the Azizia madrasa is a tragedy not just for the Muslim community, but for all those who value cultural heritage and intellectual diversity. It is a stark reminder of the dangers of extremism and the need for urgent action to protect the rights and safety of all communities in India.
The attack is the latest in a series of violent incidents targeting the Muslim community in India. In recent years, there has been a sharp rise in hate crimes against Muslims, allegedly fueled in part by the rhetoric of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its supporters. The BJP has a long history of targeting the Muslim community in India, whether through policies that discriminate against them or through hate speech that incites violence.
Government’s anti-Muslim agenda is based on the false premise that Muslims are “outsiders” and “enemies” of the Indian state. This rhetoric has been used to justify attacks on Muslims, their places of worship, and their cultural heritage. The attack on the Azizia madrasa is a clear example of this targeted hostility towards the Muslim community.
The BJP and its supporters have been emboldened by the lack of consequences for their actions. In many cases, those responsible for attacks on Muslims are not held accountable for their actions. This culture of impunity has created a dangerous environment in which extremists feel free to carry out attacks on minority communities without fear of repercussions.
The attack has serious implications for the safety and security of minority communities in India. It sends a message that their cultural heritage and places of worship are not safe from attack. It also highlights the urgent need for the Indian government to take decisive action to protect the rights and safety of all communities in the country.
The madrasa is one of the very first educational establishments built by Bibi Soghra’s donations. | Twitter
The destruction of the Azizia madrasa is a loss not just for the Muslim community, but for all those who value cultural heritage and intellectual diversity. The books and manuscripts housed within the madrasa were a testament to the rich intellectual and cultural traditions of the Muslim community in India, and their destruction represents a serious blow to the country’s cultural heritage.
The Indian government ensure that the rights of minorities’ cultural heritage and places of worship are protected from attack and holding those who carry out such attacks accountable for their actions.
The international community also has a role to play in addressing the rising tide of hate and violence against the Muslim community in India. Governments and civil society organizations must speak out against these attacks and call on the Indian government to take action to protect the rights and safety of all communities in the country.
The burning of the Azizia madrasa is a tragic reminder of the anti-Muslim agenda and the dangers of divisive and hate-filled rhetoric. It is a call to action for all those who believe in the importance of cultural heritage and diversity. The Indian government must take immediate steps to hold those responsible for the destruction of the madrassa.
“The damage caused to the building and furniture can be fixed. But the loss of knowledge and cultural heritage is permanent,” Syed Saifuddin Firdausi, an Islamic scholar who is president of the Soghara Trust which manages the madressah, told BBC News.
The madressah was built by a woman named Bibi Soghara in memory of her late husband, Abdul Aziz. It was initially built in Patna city in 1896 and later shifted to Bihar Sharif.
Bibi Soghara also donated her property — including 14,000 acres of land — to charity. She set up a trust to make sure the income was used to provide education and other help to poor people.
The trust used the money to build schools and colleges as well as hospitals and hostels, which are still operational today across Bihar.
Mr Firdausi describes Bibi Soghara as an “enlightened, socially conscious, and wise woman” who chose to donate her property in the service of the community and the country instead of giving it to her relatives.
According to the trust’s estimates, repairing the major damages will cost more than 30mn rupees ($365,088; £294,306). They now plan to send a report to the state government’s social welfare department with a request for help with funds.
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