PML-Q President Pervaiz Elahi said that there were reports that PTI members were prevented from interacting with media and there are concerns in the party that they will not be able to present their narrative in an effective manner if members are restricted from appearing on certain channels.
The PML-Q leader said that freedom of expression is the beauty of democracy so Prime Minister as well as the party leadership are requested to reconsider their decision.
The Speaker also expressed concern over suspension of advertisements to some newspapers and media houses and said that the ban was apparently imposed in the context of PECA Ordinance. Public money is used for government advertisements so they should not be used to target specific newspapers and channels, he stressed.
Pervaiz Elahi also revealed that the premier has tasked him to sort out issues regarding PECA ordinance with media houses; however, he wondered that why the media were being targeted by the ruling PTI.